National Scholarships
The HACU Scholarship (multiple options here)
New York Scholarships
Mexican Studies Scholarship Fund
NYSYLC Scholarship Awards Program
Support Creativity Scholarships
Levin-Goffe Scholarship Fund for LGBTQI students in New York
Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity
Apply for TAP/DREAM Act
NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - Apply For TAP
Understanding the Financial Aid Process
What is the DREAM Act?
The DREAM Act allows undocumented and other students access
to Excelsior Scholarship,
the Tuition Assistance Program for CUNY (TAP)
Tuition Enhanced Program (for private colleges in NYS)
other state‐administered scholarships that were not previously available to them.
Anyone with the following immigration status can apply:
Without lawful immigration status (including those with DACA status)
TPS - Temporary Protected Status (Pursuant to the Federal Immigration Act of 1990)
Of a Class of refugees paroled by the attorney general under his or her parole authority pertaining to the admission of aliens to the U.S
How to Apply?
To apply, you do not need to fill out the FAFSA form (unless requested by a college), instead, you can create an account with HESC. Apply
Students might be asked to submit
household income
affadavit (legal promise) that they will adjust status as soon as you are eligible
HS transcripts, GED (if applicable) or proof of in-state residency
Confidentiality tip:
Information submitted to the NYSDA will remain confidential. When submitting the required documentation for your application block addresses, and personal information. This helps keep your information safe and confidential.
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) covers your tuition but not your Student Fee.
Each CUNY has a different student fee.
The Excelsior Scholarship, requirements include:
not taking any breaks in between semesters
must be a full-time student
need to reside in NYS several years after graduating college.